November 2, 2013 – December 1, 2013
ArtShop! The Show is an exhibition on view from November 2 – December 1. During this time we will turn the galleries into a shop featuring new and existing multiples by artists we’ve worked with in our first two years. This show will form the backdrop, and provide an added funding stream, for our first fundraiser, which will take place on Saturday, November 23 from 5:00 – 8:00 pm.
Items will include zines, videos, calendars, glasses, buttons, artists books and more! They will be available at sale prices from $3.00 and up, giving everyone a chance to take something home. Works will only be for sale at the November 23 party. Participating Artists: Michael Asbill, Trisha Baga, Francis Cape, Holly Danger, Christopher DeLaurenti, Simon Draper, Matt Ducklo, Stuart Elster, Lindsey Eskind, Kent Evans, Bethany Fancher, Flint Public Art Project, Flower Tour, T Foley, Marley Freeman, Ben Goddard, Ilana Halperin, Veronica Hryn, Jared Haug, Rachel Higgins, Ann Hirsch, Dana Hoey, David Horvitz, Tehching Hsieh, Hudson Valley Seed Library, Jessica Jackson Hutchins, Renee Kahn, Tara Kelton, Karsten Krejcarek and Seth Kelly, Emily Larned, Mads Lynnerup, NPeaches, Jeff Ostergren, Andrea Reynosa, Emily Roz and Carmelle Safdie, Joshua Seidner, Trevor Shimzu, Brooke Singer and Ricardo Miranda, Gordon Skinner, Stephen Sollins, Rbt. Sps., Second Front, Brent Stewart, Penelope Umbrico, Siebren Versteeg, Linda Weintraub, Grant Worth, Helen Zajowski, Dzmitry Zhykh.