December 15, 3:00 PM–5:00 PM
We can only sustain Franklin Street Works with the love and financial support of our extended FSW family. If you are a Franklin Street Works member, donor or amazing volunteer/intern, please join us for a field trip to the Brant Foundation’s (Greenwich, CT) new show “Jason Rhoades.” The tour begins at 3:00 pm and is free. Limited space available. Please RSVP to info@franklinstreetworks.org. Not a member, you can become one here. Wine reception and extended viewing hours for our current exhibition, “I hear it everywhere I go,” at Franklin Street Works to follow the tour!
“The Brant Foundation Art Study Center presents an exhibition by Jason Rhoades (1965-2006) featuring a selection of works from The Brant Collection and other significant works from throughout his career. By bringing together iconic installations and rarely seen sculptures, the exhibition offers an insightful look at Rhoades’s powerful and persuasive oeuvre. Until his untimely death in 2006 at age 41, Rhoades carried out a continuous assault on aesthetic conventions and the rules governing the art world, wryly subverting those conditions by activating them within his practice. He conceived his works as part of an ongoing project in which the installations were continuously altered and supplemented. Underpinned by a unique combination of humor and conceptual rigor, his practice redefined and expanded the space in which artworks are both made and exhibited. With a firm belief in the ultimate freedom of expression for artists, Rhoades circumvented notions of taste and political correctness in a candid pursuit of the creative impulse itself.” (https://brantfoundation.org/exhibitions/)