March 26, 7:00 PM–8:30 PM
Join Franklin Street Works and the Ferguson Library for part 2 of 2018 Audre Lorde programming with The South End Branch Ferguson Library’s book club. The library’s monthly book club will feature Lorde’s book Zami: A New Spelling of My Name on March 26th at 7:00pm. The book club will take place at the South End Branch at 34 Woodland Avenue, Stamford, CT 06902. A limited number of copies of Zami are available at the South End Branch of the Ferguson Library. No RSVP necessary.
This program is a continuation of Lorde’s connection to Stamford, which was inspired by a commissioned art project for the Franklin Street Works 2017 exhibition, “The Work of Love, The Queer of Labor,” by the Swedish artist collective YES! Association/Föreningen JA! Their site-specific work, “A New Spelling of a Street: A Tribute to Audre Lorde,” aims to honor Lorde, who described herself as a “black, lesbian, feminist, warrior, poet, and mother.” In the 1950s Lorde worked at Keystone Electronics, located at One Dock St. in the South End of Stamford, where she also met her first girlfriend. Yes! Association’s project includes a request to change the name of One Dock St. to Audre Lorde St. in honor of this important American figure. This program is designed to inform the community in South End Stamford and beyond about Lorde’s life, work, and history in Stamford, Connecticut.